Student Clubs

Club Descriptions

Belmont County Schools Staying Clean - Mr. Menges 
BCSSC (Belmont County Schools Staying Clean) is our version of the drug free club.  Members of this club make a pledge that they will be drug free.  There will be a car show at the Ohio Valley Mall on Saturday, September 11.  Anyone who goes to the car show gets free enrollment and a t-shirt to the first 150 students.  There will be a picnic at the end of the year as well as pizza days throughout the year.
Culture Club - Mrs. Yereb and Mrs. Edwards Room E202 or E211
The objective of Culture Club is to give the students opportunities to experience cultural activities. We will be taking students to Pittsburgh in October to experience the Van Gogh art exhibit. 

Drama Club - Mrs. McElroy Room B9  

FEA - Mrs. Gregor and Mrs. Purman Room E107 or E207
Future Educators of America (FEA) is a club for anyone who might be interested in becoming a teacher. The goal is to give teaching experience or similar activities to students in the hopes it will ignite a fire for teaching! One of our main activities is working with teachers in our district in their classrooms. 

FFA - Mrs. Elias Room B2

JSA - Mrs. Yereb Room E202
The objective of JSA is to be informed about current events and politics. The students will debate on issues. The students will be active in informing and organizing opportunities to honor Veterans, first responders and other government officials. 

NHS - Mrs. Eberhart and Mrs. Blake

Pals Club - Mr Weller Room E113
The Pals Club focuses on the interaction and socialization of students from diverse backgrounds.  We try to enlighten each other in social acceptance and the positive aspects of being a "good person".

Pep Club - Mrs. E Swallie Room E208

Ping Pong Club - Mr. Delman Room E114

Prom Planning Committe - Mrs. J. Swallie and Mrs. Falbo - Room E203

Spanish Club - Mrs. Yereb Room E202
The objective of Spanish Club is to experience and appreciate the Spanish Culture. We will be going to a Pirate Game in May. (If it is safe)  

Student Council - Mr. Shutler

Ms. Christy's Youth Led Group - Gym
If you are interested in making positive changes in your school and are ready to work to put those ideas into action, the Youth Led group is for you!  The group will be meeting every week during club time.

Alateen Parent Notice

Alateen Parent Notice

Alateen Group

Union Local is offering support for students who are affected by someone else’s substance use.  Alateen, a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people (mostly teens) whose lives have been affected by someone else’s substance use.  By attending Alateen, teens meet other teens with similar situations and receive support.  Meetings are private and confidential.  Members of area Al-Anon groups run the meetings at school during students’ lunch times once a week.  The program is voluntary and is offered to all High School students.  If you do not want your child to participate in the program, please call your student’s Principal.